Third Party Administration
Our Strengths
Diverse Regional Experience:
In addition to these core services, we can arrange reinsurance in the Re-insurance program. This allows the insurer to feel more comfortable with the managing of risk in the beginning. As the business develops and experience is gained, the nature and complexities of health insurance become more evident to the insurer. Eventually reinsurance arrangements can be reassessed and adjusted as needed.
Health Insurance – a key consideration:
This business has a certain amount of unpredictability associated with it. We focus on being highly innovative and creative in developing our products and services as well as offering worldwide coverage with competitive terms we have a very competent and reliable team to serve you, with commitment to personalized customer service for all of our client.
Customized Product:
We will sit with Client to figure out what client need and make sure that client get good value for their investment in us. We will design customized product with attractive benefit and term condition at competitive rates.
The IT platform: cloud based system will be used to support the policy administration and claim analysis process, ensuring client’s data to be recorded properly.