Customer Center

Ensuring client satisfaction is our utmost priority.
Office hours are: Monday - Friday, 08.00 am - 05.00 pm WIB

How to file a claim successfully

IMPORTANT NOTICE: All claims must be submitted immediately from the date of services rendered.

Timelines for claim submission
Pacific Cross as administrator will adjudicate claims within 14 working days from the date of receiving all required documentation and information. 

Claim payment & rejection claim payment:
By transfer in US$. Local currency reimbursement is available in some territories but cannot be guaranteed. 

If the service rendered overseas, we kindly request claim documentation to be submitted in English to facilitate and expedite the reimbursement process. May the submitted claim documents are insufficient for claim adjudication, our Insurance Companies partner or Pacific Cross as its administrator reserves the rights to request for the original documents in case the scanned copies are received or further information or a "Notification of Inpatient/Outpatient Claim Form" from the claimant to facilitate the claim assessment process. 

Submit your claim via our app

Emergency Hotline
In situations where the clinic or hospital determines that an emergency evacuation is necessary, it is mandatory to involve our emergency assistance company by using the phone number listed on the back of the Insurance coverage card.
Hotline for Emergency Evacuations:
(+6221) 5088 6409